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New Dust Extraction System
Thirsk Furniture installs a new Dust Extraction System

We hope you'll agree, 2015 has got off to a flying start. Everyone in the industry seems to be pedalling fast to keep up with demand and we are no exception.

Although this has been in the planning for some months, the new dust extraction system we've just installed couldn't have come at a better time. The pressure on our solid timber department has never been greater than in the last 3 months.

Previously our timber department was served by 4 large independent dust extractors housed inside the building, extracting dust from various machines into bags which then had to be dragged outside to be transported to a variety of local outlets.

The 30KW fan for the new centralised system is located externally. Dust is deposited into a large specially adapted container which is periodically emptied at a local farm. The state-of-the-art Ecogate control system automatically varies the fan's power as machines are turned on and off as well as opening and closing the dampers on each machine. This minimises power use whilst maximising dust extraction where it is needed.

The system is providing a quieter and cleaner working environment for our hard-working joiners and has increased our production capacity.

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